Non-Verified account deposits
Bali Spurgeon
Please, Please, Please stop allowing clients to deposit any funds or digital assets before they have passed KYC and their account is verified. This is the issue which causes the most harm to potential clients and to the name of Quoine, and will be an issue for Liquid. Frankly, I do not understand this policy, it seems to be completely contradictory to the whole regulation compliance ethos of Quoine anyway. The only possible justification previously was that it enabled new business, as verification was generally a lengthy manual process. However, now that the majority of client will be verified automatically, this is no longer relevant...
We saw that the influx of clients caused by listing T-Pay, overloaded the customer service team and many issues like this resulted. Its calmed down now, but I fear that a successful launch of Liquid will create great interest in the project only to be undermined by a problem (clients depositing who will have verification issues) that can easily be avoided by a change in this policy.
Adam Bryant
+1 this is a massive oversight
+1 for this. People are having issues with this everyday and discrediting Quoine on reddit and telegram